A few designs from my post graduate diploma:
Design for a garden with an emphasis on biodiversity
Dense planting, a diversity of plant species, and a range of habitats (including wild-flower meadow and a wildlife pond) provide food and shelter for a wide range of creatures. Nectar-rich flowers, berries and seed heads give year-round interest for humans and wildlife.

A large garden for a family:
The requirements were for a vegetable garden large enough to feed the family, plenty of space for entertaining, and lots to interest the children. The clients wanted an area of coastal-style planting, herb beds, and a water feature. Their preferred style was cottage garden, with the emphasis on creams, greens, and rusty reds.
My solution provides a covered pergola and circular seating around a fire pit, for entertaining, and a play area. Resin-bound paths, on which the children can cycle, wind through the garden. Fruit trees set in wild-flower meadow, and extensive areas for vegetables and fruit will provide lots of room for growing produce. A large wildflower meadow at the front can be mown short should the children (who are six and ten) become interested in sports in the years to come.

A garden in the modernist, or architectural style:
Formal, with straight lines and rectangles, and a limited palette of colours – a cool, mostly green theme. A patio of smooth, regular sandstone slabs appears to float on a reflecting pool and is accessed via bridges. A modern statue rises out of the water, highlighted against a flat, white rendered wall. Water falls from a stainless steel water blade set in a stone-clad wall, in front of a small, formal lawn.

text & images © Graham Wright 2023